May 18, 2024
The Tools you will need Part II

OK now let talk about hand tools. Don't buy tools from China they are horrid, a vast number of them are EREM, they are make in Switzerland, Italy, and will set you back $40 or $50 buck each and I have a boat load. Some of them like the Red handle ones on the left where made in Pakistan good stuff too. Most of these tools are 4" to 5" in length and spring loaded jaws.
You will need a good wire stripper. Never buy this turd from any body, why because they can not be adequately adjusted, and you WILL nick the wire, If you are kind of cheap get this Pro'sKit 8PK-371 instead, no muss, no fuss. Or you can buy a "Stripmaster"
Wire Crimpers where do I begin. Daniels Mfg is the top of the list but BIG BUCKS, but when you are working Mil connector its well worth to have a few. The AMP, T&B are good bets for most of your work. I have AMP 90066 for my DB 25s or what ever.
While I'm talking about Crimpers, I am going to toss you a curve ball. Did you ever have to splice two wires together? Most way you see are just wrong! the only way to splice a wire is to use some of these things. They are Wire Splices and you install them with a heat gun. That's right a heat gun, not your soldering iron, lighter, or whatever. Mine is the Mighty-Mite and I have had it for 20 years? So you get what you pay for.
You need something to clean the dross off your irons tip. I prefer damp uxcell 60mm sq you can get them in a 10 pack for about 10 bucks. Some people like Brass sponges, I think they can damage your tip. You will also need some "Solder Wick" it's a braided strip made normally from brass, and you place it over the solder and then apply heat, which will draw the up solder into the braid. Another good tool to have on hand is a solder vac this can be just a rubber ball with a tip. They don't work well instead get a solder sucker/pump Get one of the smaller ones too, the ones made from metal are anti-static and are the best. mine is a Aven #17537.
Also a bending jig is very handy for through-hole work. They come in a verity of sizes and shapes so get a few sizes, also there is one of my must haves it is a caliper-style component forming and lead bending tool that measures hole-to-hole spacing. which is great if you have a axial lead component that is mounted vertical. PACE #6016-0003-P1 are pricey but in my opinion it is one of thoughts you can't live without.
Well on to page #3It is the last page. Really.

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